Thursday, January 5, 2012

Applications Need ( or will soon be expected to have ) Collaboration at Core

In Apps Need Collaboration At Core,Kurt Marko ( reviews a trend that is emerging which is and will continue to reshape apps entering the market. Marko states: Collaboration isn't a distinct activity anymore. It's an integral feature that people will soon expect from every application. Note that opportunity for conversation are being integrated in to applications rather than one having to leave an application to share, discussion or comment while one works. One example of a new strategy is Note that opportunity for conversation is being integrated in to applications rather than one having to leave an application to share, discuss or comment while one works. Marko calls out one example of the new trend with Mindjet Connect, a SaaS version of the mind-mapping application MindManager. Mindjet Connect takes what was once a solitary activity at a desktop or smartphone App and puts it into the cloud to make it collaborative. As embedded collaboration becomes the norm how will one address the invite and user login challenges without some form of open id strategy?

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