Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Three Basic CNL formats

Selecting a CNL format
I have implemented Three basic CNL formats successfully. Each of the formats has its own unigue challenges and appropriateness.

  • All Electronic in which participants accomplish
    their learning and co-creation of knowledge all on-line in any
    virtual meeting "space." The electronic digial, mediated form could be text-based, audio or video collaboration or any mix of media. Regular audio and video conferences for sharing ideas,debriefing and developing strategies are also common examples of
    this form of collaboration.

  • Before or After an in-person group meeting, such as the
    electronic pre- meeting or organization. Before a face-to-face
    meeting, electronic interactions provide an opportunity
    for all participants to review and share basic background
    content prior to real-time interaction. After an in-
    person meeting, the group can continue the interaction
    and address new issues as they occur.

  • Mixed mode in which participants meet together in person
    or listen to broadcast video in conjunction with
    interacting on-line. A "blended" or "hybrid" group
    provides collaborators an opportunity to interact
    with each other between face-to-face meetings. Mixed-mode formats
    often integrate, video broadcasts,text based materials, networked collaboration with co-located meetings.

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